Inherent Identity
The Inherent Identity Podcast
101. Do You Constantly Regret Your Past? If So, Try This...

101. Do You Constantly Regret Your Past? If So, Try This...

Have you ever wished you could turn back time? Ever felt the weight of the words "I should have" press down on your shoulders? You're not alone. In this week's episode of "The Inherent Identity Podcast," we're tackling a familiar foe: regret.

Regret can feel like a constant reminder of our past mistakes, painting us as the villain in our own stories. But what if we've been misunderstanding regret all along? What if we can use it as a tool for growth?

Regret isn't just about feeling bad about the past. It's a reflection of our values and desires. It's a nudge from our subconscious mind saying, "Hey, here's a chance to learn something." Instead of letting regret bring us down, we're going to start having a conversation with it.

Think about it. If regret could talk, what would it say? How can we turn its criticisms into constructive advice? How can we stop it from making us feel ashamed and start using it to become better?

In this episode, we'll learn how to change our perspective on regret. It's not just a negative voice from the past, it's a reminder of who we want to be in the future. We'll find out how to use regret to reflect on our actions, live in the present more consciously, and work towards a better future.

We're going to apologize to regret for misunderstanding its intentions. We'll help it realize that its true purpose is to guide us, not to guilt us. And once we understand that, every moment of regret can become a stepping stone towards growth.

This is the heart of this episode - seeing regret not as something to run away from, but as a chance for self-improvement. So join us as we unravel the real meaning of regret and use it as a powerful force for change.

Ready to turn regret into growth? Tune into this straightforward and inspiring episode of "The Inherent Identity Podcast." Let's stop fearing regret and start using it to build a better us.

p.s. - I mention my instagram page on this episode. You can check it out here -

Inherent Identity
The Inherent Identity Podcast
Powerful research, simple applications, and profound insight on self-love, identity, and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you beat yourself up, lack confidence and purpose, or struggle making strong decisions for yourself, this is for you.
Join your host, Tyson Bradley, as he unpacks the secrets to your brain, your spirit, and the life you've always wanted.